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Udupi, March 16, 2025: In a vibrant display of faith and fellowship, over 410 enthusiastic youths from across the Udupi Diocese gathered at Stella Maris Church, Kalmady, for Christus Fiesta... more

YCS YSM Launches 4th National Convention Poster YCS YSM Launches 4th National Convention Poster
Young Catholic Students and Young Students Movement, India, held its National Team-Executive Committee (NT-EXCO) meeting at the Pallottine Animation Centre,… more…

Orientation Program for YCS and ICYM Students at Unnai Parish Orientation Program for YCS and ICYM Students at Unnai Parish
On 23rd February, an orientation program for YCS, ICYM and BYS (Balak yeshu sangh) students was held at Unnai Parish,… more…

YCS YSM NT-EXCO meeting held at Nagpur YCS YSM NT-EXCO meeting held at Nagpur
Young Catholic Students and Young Students Movement’ India held its National Team-Executive Committee (NT-EXCO) meeting at the Pallottine Animation Centre,… more…

Indian YCS Members Make Significant Impact at UNFCCC COP-29 Indian YCS Members Make Significant Impact at UNFCCC COP-29
Mr. Roshan Melwyn Lobo, Secretary General of International YCS, and Advocate Antony Judy, a dedicated collaborator of International YCS, both… more…

WYD organisers unveiled the logo and theme for the 2027 World Youth Day in Seoul, South Korea WYD organisers unveiled the logo and theme for the 2027 World Youth Day in Seoul, South Korea
At a press conference at the Vatican, WYD organizers unveiled the logo and theme for the 2027 World Youth Day… more…

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Schedule: National Chaplain/National Director

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III National Council Souvenir

National Team: 2023-26

Most Rev. Ignatius D'Souza
Rev. Fr. Chetan Machado
National Chaplain
Abhishek Bhattacharjee
National Coordinator
Anson Clement Nazareth
National Convenor
Monet Reene V.L.
Anushka Teronpi
Sakshi Toppo
Editor-The Search
Anuj Ninama
NEXCO M.P. Region
Joshua Ralte
NEXCO North East Region
Y. Yeshu Rabelson
NEXCO Tamil Nadu
Amica Racheal Frank
NEXCO Karnataka Region
Ronal Chris
NEXCO Telugu region

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YCS/YSM National Office,
Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre,
25 Rosary Church Road, Santhome,
Chennai - 600004, Tamilnadu
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Phone: (+91) 9891792505