Greetings and love to everyone.
I am Natasha Ann Louis the Editor of The SEARCH Magazine belonging to the WEST BENGAL Region, Kolkata diocese .At present I am perusing for my ISC EXAMINATION. I was in 8th standard when the month of January our DEXCO TEAM ( Diocesan Executive team of Kolkata ) had come to our school for an orientation that was the time when I came to know about YCS for the first time . Soon after that I started attending my unit meetings ,Diocesan leave program .
My interest in Ycs gradually increased. I always wanted to became a journalist and my constant interaction through YCS and the exposure vist's for reality checks to different NGO’s, old age homes , orphanage centers etc made me more interested in YCS. After that I class 10 u became the unit President of my school. I attended the NSLTP 2015 held in St Anthony's School in our region I participated as the representative of my school . My active participation in this programme helped me to develop my leadership skills soon after that I attended the 17th National Council 2016 and was chosen as the Nexco of West Bengal
My journey in YCS is like a blessing in disguise. I as an individual didn't interact with anyone was an introvert . I faced a lot of problem in putting you point of view in front of others. But today I can confidently speak in front of everyone this is the best gift Ycs has given me. Ycs is like a mirror to me it reflects and helps me to look inside me to identify my weakness , to find out a solution to overcome it and the most important to change that weakness to be my strength . Whatever I am today what ever improvement I could find in my self is all what I owe to YCS/YSM.
Today I can say that I am proud to be an YCS’er. I can say that all of us should once try to follow the methodology of " SEE, JUDGE, ACT AND EVALUATE " this will help us to know ourselves first to rectify oneself and through this we will became a better person in the days to come and also in changing others it is said " We rise by lifting others " this is what YCS has done not only to me but to many other in this world
Sooner or later we will realize that real fulfilment comes only from helping others.
LET YCS/YSM light shine forever......And.....ever
Natasha Ann Louis
(Editor of THE SEARCH)