
Mangalore, September 9, 2024 – A historic milestone was reached today as the Young Students’ Movement (YSM) was officially re -launched with the inauguration of the new unit at Carmel School, Mangalore. This event marked the beginning of a new hope in the life of young students in schools and the YSM movement in the diocese.

The Inauguration ceremony was graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries, including Rev. Dr. Praveen Leo Lasrado, Secretary of the Catholic Board of Education- Mangalore Diocese, and Sr. Lilly Pushpa, Principal of Carmel School. The program began with the symbolic lighting of a lamp, signifying the dispelling of darkness and the dawn of a new era.

Rev. Fr Ashwin Cardoza, Secretary of the Youth Commission, Mr. Anson Nazareth, National President of YCS/YSM India, Mr. Ruben Dsouza, Animator of YCS/YSM Mangalore, and Mr. Richard Alvares, YCS/YSM Resource Person, were the guests of honor.

Addressing the gathering, Rev. Dr. Praveen Leo Lasrado emphasized the significance of YSM in the development of young students. He expressed his confidence in the movement's ability to inspire and empower the youth to become responsible citizens.

The program featured a series of engaging activities, including ice-breakers and action song, led by Mr. Anson Nazareth. The event concluded with a rousing round of YCS Claps, leaving the participants energized and inspired.

This inauguration marks a significant step forward for YCS/YSM Mangalore. The movement is poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people in the diocese through its various initiatives and programs.

Long Live YCS YSM Mangalore

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