
YCS YSM Karnataka Regional Council meeting was successfully held online on August 3rd at 7:00 pm, with participation from all the 10 dioceses In the Karnataka Region. The meeting was attended by Diocesan Youth Directors, Animators, Diocesan team members and Regional Executive Committee members.

The meeting began with a prayer led by Mr Abhinav - Gulbarga diocese and a warm welcome by Ms Jiya Coutinho – Udupi diocese.

Rev. Fr Lourd Raj – Regional Youth director gave the key note address and explained the current growth of YCS YSM in the region.

The Chairman bishop of KRCBC Youth Commission & bishop of Bellary diocese – Most. Rev. Dr Henry D’Souza gave a joyful message and shared the importance of YCS YSM sharing experiences that he heard from the former members of the movement. Ms Jesvita D’Souza, YCS YSM Karnataka Regional President, and Mr. Anson Nazareth – YCS YSM National President, skillfully coordinated and led the meeting with fruitful discussions.


Ms. Venus Lews, Treasurer of YCS YSM Karnataka region presented the regional report, followed by the report presentation by each diocese. Later, the discussion on the agenda and planning for the upcoming events was continued. All the members participated with great enthusiasm and shared valuable insights.

Rev. Fr Franklin D’Souza, DYD of Shimoga diocese appreciated the regional team for organising such a fruitful meeting and motivated the young students to take initiative in their dioceses and reach out to the young minds.

The meeting was fruitful with productive discussions and a clear direction for future events. Due to the natural calamities in the region of Karnataka – the offline meeting was cancelled and held online.

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