Its roots were found in India in 1950. In 1961 our first contact with YCS was with the visit of an YCS leader from Germany and an extension worker from Sri Lanka. In 1960-1962 YCS units were formed in Chennai and Bangalore through the help of Miss Betty King, an YCW extension worker from Australia. Some student groups were attempting to build up their objectives and Sr. Jeanne Devos ICM inspired the student groups of Madras and Bangalore to communicate with each other. Thus the first study session was held at Madras on 16 Jan 1966. In 1968 some guidelines for the movement were outlined by students in Madras and presented to CBCI. On 6th December 1969 YCS was officially recognized by the CBCI as national apostolic student movement (Catholic Action Movement) with the appointment of Sr. Jeanne as the first National Chaplain. In 1970 YSM was recognized for the students of other faiths. On 14th August 1970, YCS/YSM was affiliated to IYCS. With the formation of CBCI Youth Commission YCS/YSM was recognized officially by CBCI in September 1981 as National Catholic Organization engaged in service of Young and Humanity.
Present Scenario: At present, the Movement has over 2 lakh student members and more than 3000 dedicated Animators, youth workers spread out in 12 regions. The Movement has formed active and dynamic church leaders, social workers and liberators who are involved in the process of socio-economic-political-spiritual welfare of the people all over the country.
Asian Coordination: It has a long history tracing back to 1940’s with the first experiences in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Laos and Cambodia. In 1960’s it extended to Thailand, Burma and India. In 1977 Asian team was formed and mandated by International team. Sr. Jeanne Devos became the first Asian Chaplain. Asian office was set up at Singapore. In 1981 it moved to Hong Kong and 1995 it moved to Manila.
International coordination: The Indian Movement was accepted as member movement of IYCS in the 1970 World Council.
Miss Betty King | Sr Jeanne Devos |