
Fr. Charles addressed the CRI meeting on 20th Feb. at Mysore. Around 150 religious fathers, sisters and brothers were present. An exercise on the Parable of the Box was the eye opener to make them realize that all of us judge others with our own view of mind. All actively took part in it. Then a brief introduction of the movement was given to them. Many of them who were animators in the past re-lived the experience that they had with the students.


Viewing the present scenario all felt that it is apt time that we revive it for the integral development of the student community. Bishop of Mysore, Rt. Rev. Antony Vazaphilly was present throughout the session. Fr. Christopher the DYD of Mysore welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person, Fr. Charles Menezes. At the end, Fr. Christopher concluded the session with an exercise showing them how we can make a big difference in the lives of student if we train them with the right motive.


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