Shirva (Mangalore Diocese),April 28: On the occasion of celebrating the International Youth Year, Catholic Youth Movement (YCS/YSM), Mangalore Diocese, Udupi Zone Presented Yuva Kreedotsav (Youth Sports Utsav) on Tuesday, 26th April, 2011 at Our Lady of Health Church Shirva open Grounds from 9.30 am onwards. YCS National Director Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes from Chennai inaugurated the Yuva Kreedotsav event.
Parish Priest of Shirva V. Rev. Fr Stany Tauro as president, V. Rev. Fr. Franklin D’souza (Director of YCS Bangalore-Karnataka), Rev. Fr. Ronald D’souza (Director of YCS Mangalore), Sis. Margaret (YCS Bangalore) and Mr. Irwin Dsouza (Vice President of Shirva Parish Council) presided over as the chief guest of the event. Matches were held for Udupi Zone Varado Level. Variety of Sports like Foot Ball, Volley Ball, Throw Ball and Shuttle Badminton were held during the day. At the end Tug of War competition was held.
Closing ceremony of the event was held at 4.00 pm. V. Rev. Fr. Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar- Udupi District was chief guest for the closing ceremony. V. Rev. Fr Stany Tauro, Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes, Mr. Ronald Menezes (Secretary, Shirva Varado Govlik Parishad) presided over as the chief guest of the closing event. Rev. Fr. Ronald D’souza, Rev. Fr. Louis D’sa, Rev. Fr. Anil Carnelio, Rev. Fr. Philip Neri, Rev. Fr. Ronald Fernades and Rev. Fr. Micheal Lobo were also present as the honorary guest. YCS members of around 56 parishes from Mangalore Diocese took part in the kreedotsav. The event was held under the guidance of Fr. Edwin D’souza, Director of Y.C.S Y.S.M, Udupi Zone, Mangalore Diocese