Mangalore, Sep. 13: The YCS/YSM National Team of Animators and Student Executive members meeting was held at Shanthikiran, Bajjodi in Mangalore on the 12th & 13th of September, 2009. The National Chaplain Fr. Vincent Arockiadass, regional directors and student representatives from Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, West Bengal and North East were present for this meeting.
One of the main agenda of this meeting was to discuss about the plans for the forth coming 16th National Council. The outcome of the deliberations is that the Council will be held in Mangalore from the 2-9 May, 2010. Some of the important aspects of this council was also discussed and proposed to have a detailed preparatory meeting on the 8-9 October, 2009 in Bangalore. For which the members wish that those regions that were absent for this meeting would ensure their presence for the next.
The other agendas discussed during the meeting was about the national news letter Search; the construction of the national office in Chennai. The reports of YCS 2009 and national report were presented. Thus the meeting was concluded with the hope of making National Council 2010 a wonderful success.