

Place: St. Xavier’s School, Barkheda, Bhopal
Date: 16th May 2104

The first meeting of the LOCs with the EXCOS began at 8:00 pm at St. Xavier’s School, Barkheda, Bhopal. The encounter was planned solely for a good understanding between the EXCOS and the LOCs of Bhopal Archdiocese and to know the roles and responsibilities for the National Convention which begins on 18th May. Fr. Alex, the Regional Chaplain of Madhya Pradesh introduced the EXCOS to the Local Organising Committee members. The meeting began with the short prayer by Fr. Charles. Mr. Jimmy Pdang, the National Convener of YCS YSM India welcomed all and thanked them for their support and help in bearing most of the works of the EXCOS.

Fr. Charles briefed them the roles of the LOCs and the expectation from YCS YSM India. He explained the time table of the Convention. Fr. Saji, the PRO thanked all the LOCs for their selfless service sacrificing and working for the betterment of the student community. EXCOS and LOCs introduced themselves and their responsibilities. The National YCS YSM movement is grateful to the Most. Rev. Leo Cornelio SVD, the Archbishop of Bhopal and to Fr. Alex, the Regional Chaplain of MP for taking it up and organising it with the universal standards. The meeting got over around 9 pm and the LOCs guided the EXCOS and the other volunteers for a campus tour.
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News & Report: Leo Joseph, National Office




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