
Bangalore, Dec. 9: On December 4th, 2010 Karnataka Regional Youth Commission together with the animators organized one day training and DTS election at St. Francis Xavier’s Girls High School.

At 9.30 AM Most Rev. Dr. Bernard Moras, Arch bishop Of Bangalore was the president of the inaugural programme. Sr. Esprans the principal of SFX, Fr divya Paul the DYD of Bangalore, Fr Amarnath Joint secretary of Youth - Bangalore, Fr Franklin RYD, Sr. Margaret RYLA were on dais. Animator Mrs. Sharanya was the MC of the program. A short prayer service was conducted by the students.

Fr Franklin welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the animators to the gathering. They are Mr. Shashank, Mr. Vinod, Mr. Avinash and Mrs. Sharanya who were Ex YSM ers who played a great role in organizing such programme.

He then thanked and welcomed his grace for consenting to be the part of the inaugural program. After which His grace in his presidential address appreciated this effort and promised his support. He urged the director and the animators to take up this mission of YCS/YSM seriously. Mrs. Sharanya thanked the dignitaries.

After ice breaking session continued with the various topics of YCS/YSM. They are:-

·        History of the movement - Saranya
·        Aims and objectives, - Vinod/ vinita
·        Nature of the movement - Shashank
·        Structure –Avinash
·        Cell life – Team of Ex
·        Review of Life – Saranya

After the luch break there was quiz session as well as election for  Diocesan Team of Students. Quiz session was conducted by Shashank and Vinita, election was conducted by Saranya. Elected members took oath Fr Franklin Congratulated the new DTS. Then he distributed the prizes for the winners of the quiz. Program came to an end with YCS/YSM anthem.

From seven 10 schools students took part in it. there were 75 students and 15 animators.






































































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