Mangalore, Nov.2: Report of the YCS/YSM Consultation Meeting held on 31st October, 2010 at Pastoral Center, Bajjodi, Mangalore.
18 members from the dioceses of Gulbarga, Mangalore & Shimoga were present for this meeting which lasted from 10.00 to 4.00 in the evening.
9.00 a.m. - Registration
9.30 a.m. - Welcome, Prayer & Introduction
10.00 a.m. - YCS/YSM National Scenario by Fr. Charles Menezes
10.30 a.m. - Regional Scenario & survey findings
11.00 a.m. - Tea Break
11.15 a.m. - Rejuvenation of YCS/YSM- group discussion & IYCS World Council
12.30 p.m. - Holy Mass
1.00 p.m. - Lunch
2.00 p.m. - Ex-YCS/YSMers students meet
4.00 p.m. - Conclusion.
After a short prayer, Fr. Franklin D’Souza welcomed the members and introduced the purpose of this gathering; the consultation precisely called for rejuvenating the YCS/YSM in the region.
Fr. Charles Menezes, gave the present scenario of YCS/YSM in India. There are around 1, 76,000 students and 2600 dedicated animators, youth workers spread out in 13 regions. The movement has formed active and dynamic church leaders, social workers and liberators who are involved in the process of socio-economic-political-religious welfare of the people all over the country. He expressed his concern of the movement not so vibrant in most of the places especially living up to its methodology & spirituality.
Sr. Margaret, the Regional Youth Lady Animator then presented the situation of the movement in Karnataka. Over the past few years the movement seems to be functioning only in Mangalore, Gulbarga and some parts of Mysore, Shimoga & Belgaum. The movement in Karnataka needs a revival and has a long way to go. In this regard a lot of thinking, reflections and planning is needed. The survey findings also highlight that only 14% of the survey respondents were the YCS/YSM students.
Fr. Rajan C.Ss.R after having listened to the 2 presentations facilitated the group addressing this question – where do we go from here? The collated answers are as follows:
* To specify the age group for YCS/YSM members
* The urgent need for a training of DYD’s & RYD’s
* ICYM & YCS/YSM must work hand in hand.
* Regional level programs & consultation meetings to be held
* Once a year Regional level training program for animators & directors
* Regional Convention once in 3 years
* Must retain the cell based movement
* Beginners, leadership & exchange of experiences, Ex-YCSers gatherings to be organized.
Tentative proposal:
1. Animators Training on 22-23 January’ 11
2. Teenagers Training (15-18years) on 10-11 April’ 11 preferably in CMSSS, Chikmaglur.
3. Volunteers to visit the different dioceses to gather information and strengthen the movement between 16-31 November’ 10
( Jeevan, Rohan, Natash, Francis, Glen & Nirma) on week-ends Rajan & Wilson from Shimoga.