
Hosted by : Northern Region, Archdiocese of Delhi
16-22 MAY 2016

The XVII National Council and XXVI Study Session of YCS/YSM  commenced on 16th May 2016 at YMCA, Greater Noida, hosted by Archdiocese of Delhi, Northern region. 130 delegates representing 11 regions participated in this council. National Council takes place once in three years. It evaluates the movement activities for the past three years after the previous council held in Shillong. The theme was “Called to believe; begin, become” It also dealt with thrusts of Back to the roots, media & me and human dignity.

Delegates arrived in Delhi on 15th May 2016 and all of them traveled to the venue by bus on 16th morning. After the registration, delegates were given their kits and time was given to put up their exhibition. Most Rev Albert D’Souza, Archbishop of Agra was the main celebrant for the inaugural mass. After the Eucharist official inauguration took place by hoisting the YCS/YSM flag by Most Rev. Albert D’Souza and Mr. Abraham Pattyani, member of minority commission, Govt. of Delhi. All the delegates took the pledge and Mr. Abraham declared the National Council open. After hoisting the flag, he addressed the delegates and thereafter they inaugurated the exhibition which showcased the rich cultures of different regions.

In the evening at 6 pm there was a short cultural programme by the LOC. YCS/YSM students from different parishes of Delhi & Noida performed at the inaugural event. Mr. Abraham delivered his key note address and Archbishop Albert encouraged the delegates to take up challenges. Fr. Chetan, National Chaplain welcomed the delegates to the Northern Region and Mr. Jimmy Pdang welcomed everyone. Eventful evening concluded with sumptuous dinner.

Every day of the council began with the Holy Eucharist. On the second day delegates were taken to a village for exposure. Delegates were also taken to ‘bal bhawan’ and they spent some time interacting with the children there. This exposure gave a good start to the council. Fr. Savio helped the delegates to prepare for this visit. Fr. Mari was the moderator throughout the council. On the second day, new NEXCO’s were presented.

There were sessions based on the theme and the thrusts. Experts from various fields were invited to share their expertise. Fr. Savari Muthu, Fr. Varghese Alengadan, Fr. Aquinas, Mr. Manoj, Mr. Sylvester were the resource persons. Based on the input given by them, group and region wise discussions were held and at the end of the council, National plan of action and theme statement was prepared.

National Council began on 20th May 2016 at 9:00 am. Mr. Jimmy Pdang, National Convener, Sharon Kalinse, National Secretary along with Gilbert and Rachel conducted the council. A few amendments were passed and future plans were discussed. Accounts of the last three years and the Budget were presented. On the second day of the council, theme statement and the national action plan was finalized. After a good discussion it was passed. During the Council election was held for the new national team. Ms Jesvita from Karnataka region got elected as National Convener and Ms Rachel from Tamilnadu region got elected as General Secretary. Ms. Natasha from West Bengal became the editor of ‘the search’ and Mr. Jeris became the National Treasurer. Ms. Roshni got elected as Liturgy secretary.

On 21st May 2016, Msgr. Joseph Chinnayan, Deputy Secretary General, CBCI, was main celebrant for the concluding ceremony. He celebrated the Eucharist and encouraged the delegates. After the Eucharist, all gathered near the flag area. Flag was brought down and Mr. Jimmy Pdang declared the National Council closed. After this, there was cultural evening followed by dinner and camp fire.
National Council concluded on 22nd May 2016. Fr. Alex celebrated the thanksgiving mass. Fr. Chetan, National Chaplain thanked everyone. 

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