
  1. 1-2 March - Office work in Chennai.
  2. 11-13 March, Diocesan Youth Convention in Delhi. 120 youth participated. Conducted three sessions.
  3. 15 March 2016, visited Bal Bhavan and interacted with children. Also attended Vatican Day at the Nunciature.
  4. 16 March, attended Recollection for priests.
  5. 18 March, went to Jesus & Mary College for mass.
  6. 19 March, Pontifical Anniversary mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Delhi
  7. 20-27 Holy Week – In the Archdiocese
  8. 24 March, Taize Prayer on Maundy Thursday at St. Francis De Sales
  9. 29-31 March, Office work in Delhi, Mr. Kamal from Chennai visited.
  10. 2 April 2016, LOC Meeting at Delhi Office
  11. 2 April 2016, Golden Jubilee of YCS/YSM at Barkhera, Madhya Pradesh.
  12. 9 April, Outreach Programme for ICYM Delhi. 70 youth participated
  13. 10-13 April – in the North East. Animators Training and Students Training Programme. Golden Jubilee celebration. 60 students and 15 animators.
  14. April Taize Prayer at Yusuf Sadan
  15. 17 April, visited St. John the Baptist Church, Ayanagar. Started YCS unit there.
  16. 5-7 February -ICYM National Council in Goa.
  17. 20 April, Priests recollection in Delhi.
  18. 21 April, visited National Council venue to see the arrangements.
  19. 24 April, Second LOC Meeting
  20. 25-26 April – Office work at Chennai.
  21. 30-3 April – Golden Jubilee of YCS/YSM in Kolkata. visited nine schools and met animators and students
  22. May Taize Prayer at Yusuf Sadan


Future Programmes:

  1. 9th NTA/EXCO meeting on 14-15 May 2016 at YMCA, Greater Noida, Delhi region.
  2. National Council at Greater Noida from 16th to 22nd May 2016.
  3. Chaplains & Animators Programme in Bangalore from 1st to 10th June 2016.
  4. July 3-10 for NEXCO students live in programme
  5. WYD at Krakow from 16th July to 2nd August.
  6. Animators Training Programme September 1-8 at USM, Indore.

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