We the 350 delegates representing 8 of YCS/YSM North East Region, gathered at St. Lawrence School, Ramthar Aizawl Mizoram for the 1st Regional Convention hosted by the Diocese of Aizawl, North East Region from 17th to 20th March 2023; to deliberate on the theme “Young Students for Youthful Life” with the thrust Self-identity, Safe school and New society.
Through the study sessions and group dynamics, we become aware that many Young Students are self-obsessed and are carried away by the materialistic world. As a result, they have lost their original identity, self-respect, rights and dignity. The young students are influenced and captured by the trends of individualism, violence, and are living a life of loneliness. In contrast, we believe that we have a unique role in building a youthful society with all our energy, talents and dynamism.
Young students are called to be youthful and reflecting on the teachings of the Gospel and the church, we are called to be the burning flame that can light up others’ lives. Reflecting on the spirituality of the movement, we are empowered by God to be the co-creators of the new world filled with complete bliss and are inspired to inculcate the virtues in our life. Hence, believing in oneself is the first element to living a youthful life. We realized that our mission is to be the change and be an example to others through our thoughts, words and deeds.
Trusting in God’s providence and adhering to the Methodology - Awareness, Reflection, Action and Evaluation, we pledge;
- To live the methodology of the movement, (see, judge, act) promoting and practicing YCS/YSM spirituality in our daily lives.
- To uphold and respect the dignity of our own self and all human beings irrespective of age, caste, creed, religion and region.
- To become responsible students rooted in faith and values.
- To build a strong and healthy relationship with our family members, neighbours and companions in school.
- To acknowledge our mistake and seek forgiveness.
- To be advocates of peacebuilding in our school and society.
- To become humble and compassionate to one another and be a living role model to others.
- To be responsible user of social media by spreading positive content.
- To know more about our rights as young students and promote these rights in our schools and society.
- To promote the growth of YCS/YSM movement in our dioceses, schools and parishes.
Issued on 20th March, 2023 during the Ist YCS/YSM North East Regional Convention held at St. Lawrence School, Aizawl, Mizoram, India.
-Abhishek Bhattacharjee
National Coordinator