
Barapani, Shillong, 23rd May: The XVI National Council of YCS/YSM has been a big hit for the participants taking part in it. It is an eye opening event for most of them since they are beginning to open to the wider world of religious pluralism, interculturality and universal culture of love and life.

The day began with the Mass offered by Most Rev. Archbishop John Moolachira, Archbishop of Guwahati and then presenting the New Executive Council Members to the Council. Most of the regions presented the National Executive Members and a few are yet to do it. Hopefully in about 3 months all the regions will select their Executive Council Members. Those presented introduced themselves and the members asked a number of clarifications as regards their commitment and dream for this movement in the forthcoming three years. Everyone seems to be very focused as to what they are to do intheir tenure.
Then Fr. James Chacko, the main moderator of the council,took up a session on Cell meeting which is the basic structure and action of the movement. After a brief explanation he divided the group in to 8 and each one was given a responsibility as regards cell meeting and it helped the members to grasp the core action of the movement. They dealt with the issue of teenage suicides taking place today and offered a solution to tackle this issue with personal touch and with personal transformation.




In the afternoon the house dealt with the theme Students Education in the modern Era and finalized the action plan on the theme and the thrusts evolved upon and presented it to the house. This action plan involves action on personal level, unit level, Diocesan level, Regional level and suggestions to National level activities for change and advocacy.
In the evening the participants presented their talents on the council theme and enjoyed what they have dealt with for the past 5 days. Then they had a detailed evaluation on all the aspects appreciating the good as well suggesting means to correct what went wrong along with other suggestions to take care of these issues relating to this theme in the future programmes.

The group is in preparation for tomorrows Official National Council meeting. The Agenda and council procedure was presented to the house for study. It will be taken for discussion and voted upon before going into the implementation. We are looking forward to have a fruitful Council which should give a new direction to the movement.




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