


Mangalore, July 24 : As a part of our ICYM activity we have decided to visit our sick and senior brotheren of balkunje parish on 15th July 2012 Sunday, we members of ICYM had gone to about 20houses of people consisting of sick and aged.


Our ICYM team had totally 16 members,we have started our journey at 10 am and covered the whole area by evening.We entered the houses by greeting people, enquiring about them, having a small prayer together, and leaving them by a word of assurance and gifts to make them happy.It was a very good experience for all our team members.


We could care and share our feelings and were able to learn a lot of things regarding people who are really helpless.We had got a very good feed back from people whom we visited and from our parish members about the good deed we had done The whole visit was a great and a successful one.



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