


Chennai, July 4: The Chaplains, Animators Training Programme (CAT) was organized by the ICYM for 10 days in the month of June 2012. On 6th June, the National YCS YSM had the privilege to introduce the movement to the animators, Chaplains and to the National Team. Rev. Fr. Charles Menezes, the National Chaplain of YCS YSM was introduced by Fr. Clement Bala, the DYD of Chennai diocese.






Fr. Charles gave a detailed analysis about the necessity of YCS YSM movement in today’s world; especially why YCS for the teenagers? Mr. Leo Joseph, from YCS YSM- India explained about the movement: the motto, the history, its aim and objective, and most importantly the methodology of the movement. He gave some of his own life experiences and dramatic examples to make the audience understand to the fullest. After a short tea break, Fr. Charles continued the session with the Spirituality of the movement. With the use of action songs, he made the session, full of life. He also gave them the techniques how to conduct a cell meeting, and the activities to animate the students.









Finally the participants were divided into few groups to experience the real cell life by discussing on the real life issues from the newspaper.  In the end, the participants realized that YCS is not a movement for “Doing Something, Rather Becoming Somebody”.








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