News & Pics:Fr. Chetan Machado, DYD Delhi
April 18: Delhi Diocesan Youth Commission organized a day’s programme of revival of YCS/YSM at Loretto Convent School on 17th April 2012. Though YCS unit exists there it was not functioning well. Fr. Chetan introduced the resource person and welcomed the gathering. Fr Charles explained to the students the history, aim and objectives, characteristics and methodology of YCS/YSM.
He then taught them how to conduct the cell meeting which is the most important thing. The animators were asked to form cells which were not functioning so far. Students participated well in the programme and the leader proposed the vote of thanks. St. Anita the headmistress thanked the resource person and promised to support this movement for the student folk of her school. Of course it was her initiative that led us to this programme. Fr. Valerian Baretto also helped us conduct this programme. The animators were happy and felt it was needed to be taught quite long ago which would have done a lot of good to them. We expect some student leaders to take part in the forthcoming NSLTP and NATP at Ahmadabad.
On 18th a programme was organized at Yousuf Sadan for the student leaders and animators regarding the movement. Fr. Chetan welcomed the participants. Fr. Charles conducted the session on YCS and Cell meeting. He gave the information in detail which was followed by a model cell meeting. The participants were divided into groups and a topic of their choice was chosen and led the discussion in the YCS methodology. Fr. Charles explained to them the way to conduct meeting and asked them to work seriously for this movement in the methodology for the self transformation.
He then clarified the questions asked by the participants and offered to help them whenever they are in need of any training. 8 school leaders and animators participated in this programme and promised to support the cause in reviving the movement in Delhi Archdiocese.