


News by: Laranzia, Exco- TN

Introduction: The Inter regional Student Leaders training program (IRSLTP) for the regions of Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh was conducted from 15th to 19th of February. 21 students attended it. Due to examinations and lack of time to book tickets the number was less than expected. Yet the participation and impact on the participants was good.






15th Feb 2012:
After the inaugural prayer service the participants were introduced to each other through ice breaking session. Everyone was made to introduce self and then various activities made them mingle with each other which paved the way for an active participation.






16th Feb 2012:
The day started by invoking the blessings of God in the morning, where Fr. Esthakiyus, the Regional Chaplain of TN and Miss. Laranzia, the Exco of TN were present. Through an Ice breaking game the students had a chance to know each other and to feel at home. The first session was handled by Mr. Kalaivanan, the Director of Kalai Trust. He made the students to understand ‘Who is a Leader?’ to which the students replied: ‘the one who is Conscious about the society, who cares about others without selfishness, one who is responsible etc. The speaker added by giving them the 7 qualities of a Leader namely: Positive Attitude, the Art of Listening, Oral Communication, and Time management; Enthusiasm, Self Confidence and People oriented. He created a great enthusiasm among the students and the session came to its end at 4 pm. The students were divided in groups to prepare for the cultural night. The cultural night became a great platform for the students to expose their talents.






17th Feb. 2012:
The third day of the IRSLTP began with a mass presided by Fr. Esthakiyus. An orientation about the exposure was given by Mr. Leo Joseph, from YCS YSM India and the students were divided into two groups where one went to Beema nagar- an area below the poverty line that helped the students to understand the reality and realized that ‘life is not easy to live’; and the other went to Ambikapuram Dumping Yard taken by IWMUST where they dump and recycle the waste. Miss Ancy, the staff in charge explained the process of recycling and how it is turned to fertilizers for agriculture. With the experience they had, the students discussed within their group and came out with some creative ideas to explain it to others. Mr. Arun Kumar coordinated the whole session. The students were asked to invent new games and were executed after the supper.






18th Feb 2012

The fourth day began with a prayer. After an awareness song, Mr. Selva, an Ex Full timer and teacher form Sivagangai was introduced by Fr. Esthakiyus. The topic of the session was Environmental Analysis where the resource person explained the origin, cause and the effects of Global Warming, Climate Change with vivid examples. His information was very informative for the students and concluded saying: The young generation must join their hands to save the Mother Nature. We are in the situation where the Earth has to be saved from the humans. After lunch, Mr. Leo Joseph, gave an orientation about the YCS/ YSM  its history, motto and the methodology. He elucidated the need and importance of our movement with practical examples. The students learnt and understood that the methodology is the heart of the movement. An ample time was given to the students to reflect upon their own life personally. The further doubts of the students were made clear through the cell meeting in which the students discussed their own life and some even got solutions to overcome their problems. Awareness video clips, games and songs in between made the session alive. The session came to an end after dinner with a BBC documentary movie on Environment: “Pole to pole”.






19th Feb. 2012

The final day of the training program started with a Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Dhanraj, the DYD of Kumbakonam diocese. In his sermon, he urged the students to be aware of what they see around them and to be proactive towards the Mother Nature. He added that the students have a great responsibility in saving the environment and they have to fight for it. The students were divided into few groups after breakfast to evaluate on the past three days and to come out with few action plans. Fr. Esthakiyus gave a concluding talk based upon the participation of the students and gave few tips to execute their action plans in their cells, schools and in their diocese. The students shared their experience and the values they imbibed through the IRSLTP. After the general evaluation, the Inter Regional Training Program was concluded by giving away the certificates to the participation with YCS YSM anthem.









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