
LUCKNOW 10th November 2023: National Students Leadership Training Program conducted for the Young Catholic Students/ Young Students movement is underway at Navinta Pastoral Centre, Lucknow. Students from 5 different regions have come together and are participating in this program.

The NSLTP inaugural ceremony began in the morning with the lighting of the lamp. Mr.Anson Nazareth, the National convenor welcomed everyone formally which was followed by a keynote address from Rev. Fr Dominic Pinto Regional Youth Director and Diocesan Youth Director of Agra Region and Lucknow Diocese respectively. He shared that to be a good leader, one also must be a good example for others. Fr ended his keynote address by reminding us to 'Be happy, Be smiling and keep healthy '. Rev. Fr. Chetan Machado National Chaplain was then welcomed to give his message to the gathering.


The Inaugural Mass was conducted by the NEXCOs, where the main celebrant was Most. Rev. Bishop Ignatius Dsouza and co- celebrants were Rev. Fr Chetan Machado and Rev. Fr. Pius DYD of Shimoga Diocese.

Bishop Ignatious gave his message to the young delegates where he shared about how the youths of this generation are known to be innovative, technology experts, and creative minds.

He enlightens the delegates on the theme and thrust of YCS/ YSM while guiding them to be the better versions of themselves. He ended his message with the saying 'Every drop makes an Ocean'.

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