
BHOPAL-May 20th 2014: Day 3 of YCS/YSM National Convention began with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Chetan Machado Regional Youth Director of Northern Region. At 9am ICYM National Youth Fr. Franklin D’Souza from CBCI, Delhi took a session for Students as well as animators on ‘I exist and I act’. This was very inspiring and informative. At 11am Fr. Prakash Sagili from Kadapa Diocese as well as Ex YCS/YSM Chaplain moderated the session on ‘I am a Nation Builder’. Mr. Syed Akram from Karnataka, Mr. Raymond D’Souza from Mumbai and Fr. Bala from Indore were in the panel. Archbishop of Bhopal His Grace Most Rev. Leo Cornelio visited the convention and greeted the YCS/YSM delgates. At 12 am Group discussions were organised.
















After the lunch at 2am region wise group dynamics were organised. At 3pm Fr. Prakash Sagili took a session for Animators on ‘My Mission my vocation; I am a servant’. At the same time Fr. Cedric P from Gujarat shared a session for students on ‘celebrating diversity in religious plurality’. At 5pm Panel session as organised on the topic ‘We are united in one God, we are brothers and sister’. Fr. Franklin D’Souza –ICYM National Director moderated the Panel. Fr. Shaji E., and Haji Mohommmed Haroon  and Swami Mehanth Chandrama Das were on the panel.  After the session at 6.30pm Inter religious prayer was conducted by Tamil Nadu Region. At 7pm evaluation was conducted in region wise groups. After the supper cultural program was presented by Tamilnadu, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and BIJAN region







































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