(This was a speech given by one of the participant at USM. This shows how students are trained there to dream about their future and challenged to achieve their dream. Just go through it.
If you also want to try it just give us a call and attend the training arranged for you at USM in October or November. We promise you 100% result and satisfaction.)
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up
Into fragments by narrow domestic walls
Into that heaven of freedom
My father … Let my country awake …
Good evening to one and all present here. I, Kartiki Bhargava stand on this platform to deliver the speech on the topic “When I become the Prime Minister of India”.
Technology oriented nation, modern nation, a nation with infrastructure is all what we talk about. When it comes to India, I s things are secondary. India is the largest democratic country and the Prime Minister is the h really a matter of pride to be the Prime Minister of such a vast and div
As a Prime Minister, my vision for India is to make it a self reliant nation. A nation dreamt by each freedom fighter, dreamt by poor, and impossible for the ambitious.
It is astonishing that such a simple act as putting things on paper instantly produces clarity in mind. For the next minute, I am going to spell about the policies that I have made to remove the gap between poor and rich and action plans for ensuring dignity and freedom to all the citizens of my nation irrespective of their caste, creed, color, gender, or any other difference.
For this I would like to have a check on increasing population. Unless it is checked our country cannot progress. Malnutrition, lack in medical care, poverty, infant mortality rate are some of the direct impacts.
My next aim is to control price rise. Under me I will reduce the price of basic commodities including dairy products. This would at some extent result in improvement of health and reduce the gap between the poor and rich.
Being a woman, I strongly feel that a woman should not have a feeling of insecurity. Strict laws would be made for the criminals not just by giving them death sentences. Special training will be given to these criminals to make them a good human and make them employment oriented.
Moving on to my next policy, it would be to improve the quality of education in villages. Higher education would be based on merit and not on reservations. I’ll make sure that they get all the facilities. My aim would be to spread electricity, computer, internet and telephone lines to the remotest villages. This would also result in self employment. Restoration of peace would be the ultimate goal of my tenure. For instance, I would like to discuss the Ayodhya dispute. This dispute has caused such unneeded unrest that the need of the hour is to solve this dispute. Religious harmony would be the aim as the conclusion. Considering the demands of both the sections a final decision would be made in a certain fixed tenure say 2 years.
Have you heard the story of the tire? : Four years back I decided to buy a car, I was met by a challenge of buying a tire, let alone the car. The result was, I went ahead and bought a car.
Same has to be done with the nation. I am the one to go ahead on behalf of my country, for my nation.
I end my by these lines “Let not thy winged days be spent in vain because once gone no gold can buy them back again”.
Thank You.
- Kartiki Bhargava, Jaipur