“Blessed are the peace makers” for theirs is the kingdom of God: These words of Jesus are well appreciated and more than ever the world is in need of peace. As the International YCS Movement celebrates “YCS week” from 1st to 8th September every year, the Indian Movement this year dedicates the first week of September as “Peace week”. During this week, all the units of YCS/YSM India carry out various activities pertaining to peace.
Peace is one of the greatest gifts to all and let this peace flow into our hearts. Rabindranath Tagore says “lend me a love that keeps the heart still, with the fullness of peace”.
Glory to God in the highest and peace to all people of God will. At a time that was marked by bloodshed and tears into a world of darkness and sin, fear and anxiety. God announces the Good news through an angel to virgin of Nazareth. The heavenly greeting which resounded the earth was “Peace”. Peace is with you, the choirs of angels sang in jubilation, echoing this message of incarnation. That peace expelled the darkness that filled the earth; its emptiness was filled by the heavenly dew, the love of God was poured out by “the word” becoming flesh and by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In a world of power and egoism, Jesus brought about a revolution by His unrestricted love which brought Him death on the cross thus reconciling people with God. We the YCS/YSMers directly or indirectly are called to proclaim the message of peace to all people. Are we ready? Can we be prophets and prophetess to herald the message of peace in the strife - stricken world? or Do we try to be at peace and make others to be at peace?
In our world today many people await to hear a kind word, to get a glimpse of smile and a kind treatment. It would save a great deal of heart break in this world, if we simply learned to keep our voices down and if, when we had nothing good to say to a person, we did not say anything at all. In short let us do always good to others and if we can’t at least don’t harm them. May our lives have a particular role to play, in building a more united and peaceful world. Thus we can create peace within us, in others, in the society, in the world and make it a joy, love and peace filled world where each one will enjoy harmony and peace.
Let us take a resolution that we may never at any time to be the cause of trouble or quarrels between others but remain in fellowship to be one united band of brothers and sisters. Unless this ideal of a truly universal brotherhood is shared, there will be no way to ensure a stable peace.
Let us work together to live a peaceful life that will bring about a greater sense of human brotherhood and a more fraternal life. May the greatest gift of peace be with you, with your friends and family. May the Lord set our life towards the everlasting shore of peace.
Sr. Jane SJC
National Coordinator