
Hey guys this is Melwyn, well it is obvious that you will know me as my name is written beneath this article, or to say a small incident of my life, because if I say an article most of you fell as will either look who has written it and will turn the page or else directly turn the page. To say the truth I am writing this small incident of my life just because I would like you all to know who I am and what I am capable of. And also I would like to confess that the above statement about my reason of writing this incident is completely wrong.

So it goes like this............................It all started at the end of the IYCS council that had taken place in India, I was an LOC (the youngest). And we were all accommodated in the very same school where the council was held. As we all had to work late till night and get up early in the morning we had a very busy schedule. So, after we got up, we all LOCs had our breakfast at the school only, and then we would be on with our work. For almost three weeks we had the same routine and it was all about to end, and it ended with a bang. Well it had a very grand closing ceremony but I am talking about the bang in my stomach. And I am serious, not at all joking, and it also happened so I and my team from Maharashtra were leaving during the time of the Holy Eucharist of the closing ceremony. And I, with my upset stomach was troubled at the thought that now what will I do. But by the grace of God for an hour or two I had a peaceful stomach. By then I was on my train back home. And as I was in the middle of my train travel my stomach sent me some bad news. It started all over again. Well as I was a 13 years old teenager I had the ability to control my urge to go to that stinking toilet of that train. But the ability of mine came with expiry duration. I had to go urgently. So with all the courage I had in me I took my bravery and entered the toilet. Now I was at peace as I knew that I am free of the entire burden I was carrying with me. But who knew that the peace that I was experiencing wasn’t going to last for long. As I turned the tap of the toilet I discovered that there was no water coming! Now I came in such an awkward situation that, I had no water for me to wind up my work. But there was one good thing that I had done, I had carried with me my cell phone but I had the contact of only one of my fellow travelers and that was because I had mistakenly deleted the contacts of my friends who were on the trip. And unfortunately I had to wait for another hour just to get network as in a train journey we all face that problem. So without wasting time I gave a call to the teacher who was travelling with me, but I guess that wasn’t my day, when the call connected I discovered that the contact I had was of her sister who was in Nagpur, with quick thinking I took down that teachers ACTUAL contact from her sister in Nagpur and proceeded to call her. By the grace of God again she got hold of my situation and quickly sent one of my friends with a bottle of mineral water. But now another problem came up, how will she find me. But that problem also didn’t last long and she found me. Sitting on that unhygienic commode I felt one of the most satisfying happiness of my life. And I forgot to mention before that I carried with me my hand sanitizer (just telling informing you guys otherwise you might think ...............ohh lets leave what you might think)

With all that over, I went back to my seat and had with me one of the most hilarious stories of my life to share with my near and dear ones, which is exactly what I have done. Now some of you might be laughing and some of you might be thinking why I am telling you this incident of mine, but there is a lot that I have learnt from this incident. Life is unpredictable. We never know when it might direct us to the left or when it can to the right, whatever it is we have to live it in a right and best way possible keeping in mind the right way of doing so. The above incident may sound funny or yucky to some or even awkward to others. But it all depends on how we see it, or to say what is our perception regarding that matter. Even an incident as small as a trip on the side walk can be educative and resourceful. So the thing that I am trying to say is that when some things go wrong or not the way we planned it, don’t sit and feel sad about it or nervous, just evaluate what went wrong how it went wrong and just improvise, as simple as that. As I end I know some of you must be confused what am I trying to convey to you’ll, actually most of you must be thinking that, so to make things easy:-Life is unpredictable so try your best to be prepared for the worst at all times.-And if sometimes not prepared and something goes wrong, don’t put your head down but just laugh it out and use that one ‘Wrong’ to make many more ‘Rights.’

Let YCS YSM light shine.   

– MELWYN, Former Nexco Nagpur

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