
The experience of the First National Convention of YCS/YSM was undoubtedly wonderful. I was very excited about it as it was our first national experience convention. The topic of the convention ‘EXPLORE’,’ EXPERIENCE’ and ‘EXCHANGE’ was accepted by all. All the sessions were very inspiring. All the delegates were very enthusiastic and took active participation. I would like to thank all the delegates for their participation, all the respected resource persons for giving their precious time to our convention and all the RYD’s, DYD’s and Animators. A special thanks to our National Chaplain Fr. Charles for working day and night, Fr. Alexander and the LOC’s for providing us with every facilities, Mr. Leo Joseph, our former NEXCOs and all the volunteers for helping and guiding us all through. Last, but not the least, thanks to my fellow NEXCOs for putting in their efforts and passion. Thanks everyone for making this convention a success. Let YCS/YSM light shine.

- Angela Anthony, NEXCO, Patna Region

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25 Rosary Church Road, Santhome,
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