
Imprisoned, they lie in a dark room.
Like withered flowers, they never bloom.

Just to make both ends meet
They work in cold and in heat

They should’ve been free in the air,
But they are burdened by work and fear.

In order to earn their livelihood,
They have lost their childhood.

They fear to speak, but in their eyes,
There are traces of suppressed cries.

Of harsh words, severe blows,
Of miseries, weals and woes.

Their expressions of sorrow and listlessness,
Reveal their master’s heartlessness.

They only want two square meals,
         not haute cuisine,
But to buy those, they have no means.

They have been brutally crushed by their fate,
Thus they lie in a pitiable state.

They don’t know books,
         they don’t know toys,
They just know sorrows and nothing of joys.

So, save the young labourers;
      free them from chains.
Go, dress their wounds and
      relieve them of pains.

- Vaneet Kaur
Presentation Convent High School,


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