
Forests are God’s best nature,
They are very important for man’s future.
Timber, Medicine and Wood for furniture,
Are some of the things we get beyond measure.

Animals have their home here.
And they live together without fear.
Birds sing on high trees,
To hear them, we pay no fees.

Forests are a massive creation,
Where, people come for yearly recreation.
Saints too sit here in deep meditation,
To, fill them with spiritual sensation.

But men of  today, do not understand
What really they have in hand.
They do not understand the value of land,
So they continue destroying their forests brand.

Man’s greed makes animals homeless,
The land too becomes dry and waterless.
Land-slides and erosion,
Causes one to panic with emotion...

So Everyone should take a vow,
To begin to plant a seed right now,
And watch it as it becomes a tree,
For the earth will then be trouble free.

St. Ursula’s AI Hr Sec School
Chennai - 6


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