
I am grateful to Rev. Fr. Prakash and Sr. Jessie for giving me an opportunity to share my YSM experience. In a short time I learnt a lot about the Movement. Indeed it is God’s gift to the society.

When I became a DEXCO Member, I participated in all the Diocesan Meetings and Programmes. This helped me to become more responsible. In return I received full support from my animators and YSM friends, Diocesan Director Fr. Ignatius, Diocesan Coordinator Bro. Martin Joseph and Mr. Gajapathy. I received more love, concern, regards and appreciation from others especially from the YSM students. I did have my own struggles but I was never discouraged.

And moreover my parents never said no for participating in any YSM activity provided, I did not neglect my studies. They always supported me inspite of various hurdles. The support of my local YSM Members and encouragement from my parents brought me upto this level. I am grateful to God for such supportive parents. I wish many more parents would encourage their children to service for YSM.

YSM develops the individual’s personality. It gives a sense of me and purpose in life. It holds that every person is a child of God forms a human family, enables us to become more critically aware of the society in which we live. It allows you to be what you are, giving yourselves, opening up avenues to be a free and unique person. YSM is the only movement which helps to channelize the energies and dreams of young people in order to make them liberated persons.

From my experience I can easily conclude that YSM stands out in reaching out to the students, far more originally than others. It is true that the movement is a source of inspiration and spirit. It acts as s friend guide and philosopher.

Once again I take this opportunity to thank my animators and all the members of the diocesan office for having stood by me. I also extend my gratitude to Fr. Prakash and Sr. Jessie for helping me to make use of this golden opportunity.

Rekha Suresh
Former RTS


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