
With a lot of hesitation Mr.Badri Narayan from Trichy joined YSM, while he was a high school student. Through his personal contact with full-timers like Mr. Adaikalam, Mrs. Thangam and others, he grew up into a committed leader.

He joined the group who gathered in June at Pune to prepare the YCS Handbook called “Bubbling with Hope”. Mr.James Sylvester of Hyderabad, Mrs. Parimala Peter of Tuticorin and 12 others were also there to prepare the book. With one week of sharing and collecting their personal movement experience, they formulated the different chapters of the book. The student leaders beautifully explained the movement of YSM in this small booklet.

Mr. Badri Narayan after his education, while in Chennai, organized social work with the parents of the students of Holy Angels’ school, Chennai. Most of them were government officials but they volunteered at their weekend holidays to teach the children of a nomadic community, settled in a small village near Kanchipuram.

Mr. James Sylvester took initiative to organize Catholic Association in Hyderabad. He still helps YCS/YSM as a resource person. Mrs. Parimala Peter takes active role in women movements in the nieghbourhood of Tuticorin. Thus YCS/YSM formation overflows in the service of the society.

- Fr. M. C. Michael Menamparampil

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