
“I am part of all that I met in my life”

It is with immense pleasure and with whole hearted gratitude that I am penning down my experience in the first ever YCS YSM National Convention, Bhopal. As I recollect how the Conventional dream became a reality started in a small discourse with the National Chaplain! It still lashes in my mind and I could still remember that it was October 2010, after participating in the VIII National  Youth  Convention  of  ICYM  in Shillong, Fr Charles came back to the National Office and told me, “We too need a convention for YCS YSM”.

The sands of time lowed steadily and it was 2013, after the NYC Jalandhar, Fr Charles expressed, “What do you say Leo, We should have one right?” And WE HAD ONE!!!

Personally, participating in the convention has enlightened me and has given me answers which I have been waiting so long. The three sacred days made me realise the true understanding of my movement, “It’s not I who choose ycs ysm, YCS YSM chooses me!” That’s the day I became conscious to make a resolution, “Till I part from this world, YCS YSM will be a part of my life”. Feel proud my dear friends for you have been chosen, moulded, transformed by the movement and we have to give it back to the society we live in.

My gratitude to Archbishop Most Rev. Leo Cornelio SVD, Fr. Charles for initiating the special event for others to follow and to the invisible man Fr. Alexander, without whom, this convention would just be a dream. I am thankful to all the resource people where most of them are former members and I am nostalgic to share few past moments with them. Million thanks to the ICYM team and Fr. Franklyn for their honourable presence. Wishes to all the LOCs, Volunteers, former NEXCOS, all the fathers, sisters, coordinators and Animators for their selfless help. My dear EXCOS, you all are amazing! Unique in your own way. I loved the way you planned and executed as one family and I will confidently say that it’s impossible for me to do what you have done. Thank you for educating me.

In a nutshell, I would exclaim with Kahlil Gibran, “Now I know that here is something higher than heaven and deeper than ocean and stranger than life and death and time. I know now what I did not know before.” And I know it because of YCS YSM.

Thank you all for the chance given to this mortal to live in this immortal movement. Let the spirit of YCS YSM kindle our hearts perennially!

- Leo Joseph, YCS/YSM National Office

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