YCS/YSM is our friend, formator, philosopher, father, guide, and a watch of our conscience. Based on the belief YCS/YSM endeavors to cultivate what is best in every student. It challenges students to swim against the current. We are trained to ponder over, before we make our personal decisions in life. This training takes place through the interaction of members of a YCS/YSM cell as we gather often to undergo a process called awareness, reflection, action. Thus, while we grow up as mature persons and good citizens, imbibed with spiritual and moral values, we build up a wholesome society.
Similar to the words of Abraham Lincoln, we could state the Movement is by the Students, Of the Students and For the Students. Opinions of students are voiced freely in the Movement. Student committees plan, conduct and evaluate all programmes with the help of Animators.YCS/YSM is neither an organization nor a club but a Movement where Students search and struggle together for a better growth and to live a meaningful life. We learn to live, we live to grow and we grow to change.
As teenagers we experience an urge to surpass others in everything. We aim at excellence and perfection. Yet being in a transition stage we experience insecurity, confusion and conflict of an emotional, intellectual and spiritual nature. This creates in us the need for acceptance, recognition, love, support and guidance from people around us. It is the role of education, religion, mass media, the traditions and customs in the society to help us find our way out. The present education, though productive and functional does not give full formation. The exam oriented educational system which stuffs us with information, is irrelevant to our actual life.
As a response to the situation the YCS/YSM fulfills our needs of a more relevant education by promoting personality development, leadership and social responsibility which are geared towards making us effective instruments of social change.
The aim of the YCS/YSM is to evolve a new society where people live in Harmony, where there is total freedom for the complete growth of the individual, where each person accepts the other as he/she is, inspite of trials and difficulties in his/her day to day life, where people value peace , love , truth, justice and equality.
The Movement tries to achieve this through the collective efforts of students and other people of good will. In the Cell, the students undergo self discovery and develop their talents and skills, sense of responsibility and objective analytical attitude towards problems. This occurs as a result of group acceptance and group sharing, which help to clarify our vision in life and guide us in our search for a meaning in life. The YCS/YSM empowers and enlightens us to work for a harmonious living. As we step in to a new year, we see it as a God’s call.
Summiya Banu
Ex – YCS Bangalore