As Soon as the topic of YCS/YSM Harmony is used, the words of Mr.Akram strike my mind. I remember him saying “people belonging to my community often ask me, how is that, I am able to involve myself so much, inspite of it being a Christian Movement. I used to reply ‘YSM helped me to be a better Muslim’. True to these words, YSM had helped many a student to be worthy individuals, better human beings.
In today’s world man is on a long perilous journey of constant search, afraid that he may not reach the destination, unless God lifts the clouds of darkness and shows the way. At this juncture YSM is God’s gift to us. It is helping us to be led from and above all from Chaos and confusion to perfect blend of peace and harmony, harmony which is not just communal but also spiritual. YSM make us feel the need to go back to our roots and discover the actual meaning of Harmony. Harmony is not just tolerance but it is realizing and respecting the actual depth of humanity and henceforth FEEL, the oneness.YSM promotes this attitude. Be it the prayers that are said during cell meetings or the YCS spirituality, they all imbibe the spirit of oneness and harmony among the students.
We have often heard students involving themselves in petty quarrels regarding their faith and religion but, one can observe the immense change. I would call it reformation the same people undergo once they take YSM and its values seriously.
It would not be an exaggeration if I say that I feel proud that as an YSM’er I am today, able to feel harmony with my fellow beings. Harmony to me today is not just religious practice but also humanitarian and spiritual aspect.
I now recollect the orientation of the movement given to the beginner in YSM. The depiction of that student around whom revolves family, friends, media, exposure and schools none of these able to provide that student the right guidelines and at this critical juncture YSM paves way and shows him/her, the path towards friendship, fraternity and harmony, and thus “Enlightened people for a harmonious living”.
Because of the Movement’s Influence, the YSMers of today are able to accept people as they are. As students, in their family, in their schools and more so in their social life they are able to express and spread harmony. YSM has provided realization against prejudiced and fundamentalistic ideas.
As a Movement has a great influence and impact on the student at the grass root level and impact on the students when they come together for cell meetings or in action, YSM helps them to develop their love and fraternity with each other, they are grown to be instruments of transformation.
To sum it up, YSM is an earthen lamp to the dark but broad highways of all YSMers, helping them to create the ripple effect and grow as effective elements of change.
It is guiding them to see, judge, and act towards building a better society and maintain harmony.
Sharanya Balaji
Former National EXCO
Karnataka Region