

     Man prefers to have a sophisticated life and it’s really a pity to see man always aspiring for something great, or rather which is unfathomable.  For which they are held up in total trance.  They just visualize themselves in that state and have the euphoric sensation.
     Life isn’t just a photograph, which on the dorsal hasn’t got any worth.  Eventually people constrained themselves on the fancy colour top hardly having a glance at the back.  But the fact is, life is a mixture of both the fancy as well as the dark colours.  Hence, in order to pursue our goal we should not neglect the darkest aspects of our life.  May be the dark colours are a drawback for the accomplishment of a set goal.  We should take certain bold steps, follow proper principles to guideline our lives in order to overcome these impediments.

     To have a fantasy of one’s dream is like taking a bold step to overcome one’s impediments.  We shouldn’t just brush aside our impediments but through self-scrutinization we must try to know it first of all and then think of the step how to overcome it so as to attain the brighter side of the photograph or to catch many of the eyes because of your winsome personality.

Few tips, to have a winsome personality---

     Know your weak spots.
     Reduce your weakness in a systematic manner.
     Believe in yourself and slowly stop blaming others.
     Nothing works without a plan.
     Keep a goal in mind and have realistic lines in action.
     Evaluate periodically.
     Finally believe in one greater than yourself i.e. God, learn to pray and trust in God.

St. Thomas Mount,

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