Catholic Church in India has always been well known for its very outstanding contribution to the country in the areas of Education and Mission of Mercy. The numerous schools and colleges, Universities, Technical schools and Job oriented Training Institutes, Boarding schools, Orphanages, Rehabilitation Centers and homes for Street children are all catering to the mission of the Church in the field of education. The hundreds of educational institutions of excellence run by the various religious orders as well as by the dioceses are well known to everybody. But what is not so well known to all is the fact that these institutions of excellence owned and administered by the Church are catering to the poor and the needy. In some of the most reputed institutions of excellence there are even up to 50% of the students receiving either free education or partially free education. In many institutes, the well to do children also participate in the education of the poor and the marginalized either after school hours or during school hours. In this way it is not just the rat race for one’s own success that is promoted in the Catholic Schools but education of the heart or education to social justice, education to national integration and education to integrity. It is not just academic excellence that is pursued but the values that uphold society that is promoted.
The hundreds of schools for street children and self employment oriented institutes and job oriented training institutes promoting employ-ability of the school drop outs and the poor and marginalized youth hold out a ray of hope in a country that has a fast growing economy causing the rich- poor divide more pronounced than ever before. The stand of the Catholic Church has always been clearly for the poorer and marginalized section of society. But the Church does not sit back. It continues to asses itself and correct itself if ever the focus shifts from its mission of bringing the good news to the poor and the down trodden. The national level meeting of Church leaders and Educationalists that was organized in February this year in Chennai and the Statement by the CBCI (Catholic Bishops Conference of India) that followed once again emphasized the stand of the Church in its commitment to the poor and the marginalized.
As Young Christian Students belonging to the YCS / YSM, we must understand this preferential love for the poor that the Church has inherited from Christ and do our bit to reach out to the poor and needy youth. We are the Church of today and tomorrow. We must reflect the compassionate face of Christ to others even as we move around the corridors of our own schools and colleges by reaching out to the poorer and the marginalized. The words of Mother Teresa of Kolkata should always ring out in our ears: “Search for the poor in your own homes, in your own streets, in your own neighbourhood and reach out your hands to serve, your hearts to love.”
- Fr. Jose Manipadam Sdb
Regional Chaplain, W. B.