
Crossing the borders is an important activity in everyone’s life. Often it is done without one’s knowledge in day today life. In this article we mean not the little things that happen in our daily life, but to cross the hurdles that hinder us from building a better society. As we look around, we see every society/community is building boundaries around themselves so that others may not trespass. People are becoming very individualistic in their life and outlook. The saying “to have good neighbors, you should have good compound walls” is becoming a reality in today’s life. The sayings like, “the way to heaven is through the compound of your neighbor”; and” build bridges and not walls”, are forgotten in this selfish and consumerist world. The goal of YCS/YSM is to BUILD A NEW SOCIETY, where people respect each other and live in harmony.

This goal necessarily invites all the members of YCS/YSM irrespective of religion or social status to CROSS BOARDERS that divide us. Due to globalization, the geographical boundaries, time boundaries and distance boundaries are collapsing. There is total interdependence in the field of business, development, education etc. But in the socio-cultural context, we have the divide between rich and the poor. In the political context, we have groups of different political ideologies and systems. In the religious context we see people hate others in the name of religion and there are groups that instigate the religious divide and hatred in the name of the religion for their selfish gains. Globalization has brought the world closer but the narrow mindedness and lack of true religious understanding is  dividing the society into fragments leading towards destruction.

The borders exist in three different ways:

1. Borders those separate but enrich: borders to define self identity, personal and community identity. This is found in defining the country borders, the state borders, cultural boarder etc. which is also the self identity formation. These borders need to be respected and maintained. Here comes our commitment to respect the boundaries of self identity (personal, geographical or cultural), personal integrity and respect for life.  This brings us the beauty of “unity in diversity” that allows us to enjoy and appreciate the richness of different personalities, works, cultures and traditions. This leads us to admire the greatness of God who is the creator and author of all the people and nature.

2. Border used to exclude people: It is building walls of separation which excludes people being one among us. These may not be physical walls but walls of ideology, fanaticism, hatred, economic inequality, social inequality etc. The forces propagating this sort of dividing walls are steadily increasing in our society. Though people are getting educated, the walls that divide and encourage hatred are on the increase. Here the YCS/YSMer is called to commit oneself to CROSS the BORDERS, so also everyone is called to become an activist in this line and CROSS the BORDERS, for development and Peace.

3. Borders challenge us: Boarders also serve as a place for VENTURE which is a challenge to every one of us. It is an occasion and a place to ‘reach people’. Border is a stepping stone for greater things in life. We need to go further and encourage others to join us in this venture. It is a call to grow, an invitation to explore, a call to go ahead in development, brotherhood/sisterhood, knowledge, adventure, discovery.

We have all the religious founders, religious scriptures, great personalities in the history and in our times who teach us a need to cross the borders and bring the good news of peace, development and brotherhood/sisterhood. There are so many inspirational teachings which propagate unity, love and concern for the others. But a few of  them as
 “Respect your neighbor”, “Love your neighbor as your self”, “Treat others as you like to be treated by others”, “Find God’s presence in the other” etc. have motivated us.
It is high time for everyone to become awake to the reality and be moved by our faith to accept the challenge and CROSS BORDERS that divide us and destroy our future. It is time for every youngster to get up and tell the elders and leaders who encourage the dividing boundaries, hatred and destruction; to stop and listen to us. ‘The walls you are building and hatred you are sowing, is a clear sign that you want to destroy our future and satisfy your hunger for name and fame, wealth and thirst for power’. ‘Stop and make amends for your selfishness and allow us to build our future a “NEW SOCIETY”. ‘Join us, encourage and support us if you can or leave us to grow with others.

Fr. Vincent,
Asian Chaplain, IYCS Asia

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