I’m going to write few words on a topic that is of great concern to everyone. In almost every part of the world we hear a similar cry Population Explosion. This is a common and universal problem. The alarming growth in population is a cause of serious concern not only to the world in general but in particular to our country. India and China are faced with this grave problem.
India records second among the world most populous countries, first being China. In the next century India will be the first in population, If we don’t take the necessary measures
Whatever progress our country makes, is undone by the increasing population. It creates serious, economic and social problems. The fruit of economic development cannot reach the common man.
How can the standards of people rise if its population grows at a faster rate? Every 3 seconds, two children are born in India. Do you know how much additional resources are needed for total population that is added every year? The growth of population creates many problems. The country cannot provide nutritious food to its people.
There is shortage of housing and space. Unemployment grows and standard of living drops. Therefore quick measures are needed to solve the problem of population growth.
To stop this problem we have to be concerned about illiteracy. If we spread literacy among the people, the problem may be controlled. Poor people should avail of all the facilities provided by the government. Late marriages should be increased and child marriages should be stopped.
A small family is definitely better off, economically in comparison with a large one. Fewer members in the family mean a great share in everything for each person.
Poverty and ignorance at once both the cause and effect of our rapid expansion of population. A mass propaganda and education programme should be launched by the press, T.V, radio etc. to educate the masses about the advantages to be had from the family planning.
It is time for each one of us to help to overcome this problem of population explosion faced by our country.
Akshaya Raikar,
St. Jude’s High School,
Betalbatim Salcete,