Success: No one is born with a success gene. Those who shine are goal setter and hard workers with a positive approach to life. Here is how you can achieve success.
Believe in Yourself: “If you don’t believe in yourself anyone else either”. Strong faith in you will help to carry through defeats and enable you to cheer yourself on to victories
Act Confidently: Even if you don’t feel it, follow the old “Fake-it-Till makes it, saying walk with a confident peace and soon enough you will be ready to take the world by storm.
Dream and Scheme: You should know what exactly you wish to accomplish. If you don’t set solid goals, all your energies will be left unfocused. Decide your short term and long term goal and give your best.
Hard work: Success doesn’t come easily. If you want achieve something-sacrifice; be it in playing for long hours, or on watching TV etc. If you have some goals, nobody else is going to achieve it for you.
Dare to dare: You can really succeed if you are brave enough to take risks. It’s really to set back and make excuses. Remember that not trying is worse than failing. Challenge yourself to go for things which you know might be though to achieve.
Never-ever Quit: Stay committed and no matter how high the hurdles, jumps over them, obstacles can slow you down but never let them stop you.
Accept your failure positively: Don’t take failure personally; when things go wrong the worst thing to do is imagining that you are a failure. Realize that failure is a fact of life; it teaches you how ‘not’ to do something; where you have made mistake that results failure. You would try to improve it, you must learn from your failure.
Have a sense of humour: Life is full of ups and downs to survive; you really need a sense of humour. You must enjoy and never feel how. Just laugh along your way to the top.
Reward yourself: You must give yourself recognition for your hard earned success.
Celebrate your achievements: Treating yourself will encourage setting and getting new goals.
Courtesy: Micheal, EXCO
Northern Region.