
India and Pakistan, as soon as we hear these two words what comes to our mind is war and hatred. But it is very necessary that peace should be organized for the welfare of both the countries. The peace between these two nations is possible when the national leaders forget their selfish attitude and be selfless. Sports, summits, trade fares, government meets, transportation were that means to bridge the gap between these two nations, which will ruin the hatred between India and Pakistan. War brings only violence, peace brings happiness. So every citizen has his own responsibility to bring peace between these two countries. Greetings friends on the occasion of their festivals, meets can be a powerful media to bridge the gap. If we can go one step ahead and cultivate the habit of inviting and participating in meets, summits, festivals, it will pave way for the permanent bond.

In short, small steps like these will slowly but steadily put all the broken pieces together and contribute to peace in both countries and even at the global level. If drops of water can make an ocean; little steps like these can certainly make these nations a better place to live in peacefully. Mainly our National leaders should take initiative to bring peace between these nations. The citizen of both countries has greater role to play to bring peace. For this, first of all we have to stop treating each other as enemies. Instead we so called educated, literate people should try to treat others as friends. There should be no question of differentiation of caste as Hindu and Muslim. Let’s be positive and pick up all the pieces left behind by our leaders and make sincere efforts to convert them into a REAL, GOLDEN PEACE.

The Asian Office in collaboration with the National office of YCS/YSM organizes a Pakistan Exposure Programme in the month of June. We have to support these type of programmes. It bridges the gap between the two Nations flowering friendly relations.

Reshma Castelino,
EXCO of Karnataka.

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